Official IATF League!
Welcome all guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Our venue is an official part of the International Axe Throwing Federation (IATF). The IATF standardized rule system elevates competition, safety, and sportsmanship for this growing international sport. Don't let that scare you away! All skill ranges are welcome! What this really means is that your stats can officially be tracked via the IATF AxeScores Site or the IATF mobile app You can follow your progress, see upcoming matches, and view your rankings. Not only against fellow league members, but against anyone else in IATF around the world!
League Details:
League is a total of 8 weeks of competition. 7 weeks of matches that will set the stage for a double elimination tournament for week 8. This is where your previous 7 weeks of hard work will be put to the test, and we'll find out who will be the season champion!
House axes are provided. Feel free to bring your own as long as it meets IATF Standards.
Start times are listed below. Please be on time or let us know if you will be missing that week.
You can show up anytime in the hour before the start of league to practice.
Axes Kickers League Benefits:
Discount Beers/Ciders
Unlimited practice for current paid league members!!
Current leagues
Monday Evening Big Axe League- $130
Current Season Status:
2/17/25 7PM Start
Completed weeks: 6 of 8
Wednesday Evening League - $130
Current Season Status:
New Season! 2/19/25 7:30pm Start
Completed weeks: 0 of 8
Attendance Policy
Please contact the group if you're running late or missing a week. Good Attendance helps make sure everyone gets equal amount of practice and gets out of here at a good time; we can't do make up games week 7 or 8. We understand that there are times you can't make practice so up to week 5 you are alotted: 2 weeks where we can push all your matches to the following week, and 1 ghost match where you can throw your matches in advance.
Any further missed matches will be forfeited with play, meaning opponents will still play out the match so they can get their practice in, but your scores will be forfeited. All forfeits really mean is that you lose out in practice time, and where you start in the tournament will be lower on the final week.
*Any extreme/unique cases can be addressed by Management
**Management has the authority to push league nights based off private events. Please check the website or WhatsApp Group for updates.